Sunday, October 13, 2019

Life as a Senior Missionary Couple

The Missionary Handbook

Every missionary that enters the mission field is given a small white handbook that includes the rules and procedures for all missionaries.  Every aspect of daily missionary life is covered and includes such things as mission organization, daily routine, clothing and appearance, daily study program, leadership, finances and practically every other topic that missionaries need to know.  The handbook is small enough to fit in a shirt pocket.
Our handbooks are in Portuguese.  

After the introduction, the significance and importance of our calling is detailed on page 3 and begins with the Fifth Article of Faith which reads:  "We believe that a man (or woman) must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof."  
Sister Erickson and I were called by President Thomas S. Monson as missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we were set apart by the laying on of hands by our stake president, President Lilywhite.  We consider our calling as missionaries to be a great privilege to serve the Lord.

As young members of the Church, we were both called to serve missions in Brazil.  Sister Erickson served in Rio de Janeiro and I served in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.  Five years after we returned from our first missions, we miraculously met each other and eventually were married.  Tomorrow we will celebrate our forty-first wedding anniversary.  We had six lovely children and diligently devoted our life to raising our family.  As retirement approached, we decided to serve again as a senior missionary couple, something we had always wanted to do.  Our first calling as a senior couple was to the Cape Verde Islands off the west coast of Africa.
After serving for almost a year, we returned home.

Now we have been re-assigned and are serving in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission.
Interestingly, we have had to speak Portuguese in all three missions.  We currently are assigned to the Clear Springs Portuguese speaking branch in the Roswell, Georgia Stake.  While each mission has been different, we have grown to love the work and the people wherever we have been assigned.  Our testimonies have been strengthened with each new assignment.  It is exciting to be playing an active part of a growing and vibrant Church and to be witnesses of that growth in various parts of the world.

Exciting News on the Home Front

Plans for the new Layton Temple were announced this week.  Below is an artist's rendition of the proposed temple.
The temple will be within a five minute drive from our home in Layton.

The Family

Our grandson, Elijah, is dressed and ready for church.
He was born ten months ago.

Last week both Lisa and John ran the marathon in St. George.
John ran it in 2 hours and 59 minutes and may qualify for the Boston Marathon.  This was Lisa's first marathon and she finished in a respectable time.  Congratulations to both of them!!!

The Missionary Couple of the Week

Elder and Sister Traviss served in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission.
They served as mental wellness missionaries and recently returned home after completing their mission.

And so it goes....

1 comment:

  1. I sure love seeing your weekly updates. Also, way to go John and Lisa!
