Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Busy Week

Gabriela's Baptism

 This week we had the special blessing of attending another baptism in our small Portuguese speaking branch.
Gabriela was baptized on Saturday and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today.  She is flanked by two missionaries from Brazil, Elder Araújo on the left and Elder Cruzato on the right.  Our branch president, President Baker, was privileged to perform the baptism.

A Special Surprise Visit

On Monday, while attending a preparation day zone activity at the stake center, we were pleasantly surprised to meet Brother and Sister Anderton.  Their granddaughter, Sister Ellis, serves in our zone and they were able to spend part of the day together.
Not only are they related to a couple who used to live in our home ward, but they also speak Portuguese.  Brother Anderton served as a young missionary in Brazil and, after retirement, they both served as self-reliance missionaries in Portugal.

Community Service

This week we also started to pick up bakery products from one of the local grocery stores.  Publix donates their bakery products that are about to expire.  We deliver the products to needy families as well as to Must Ministries which, in turn, distributes to those in need.
Sue is our contact and very friendly to work with.

Teaching English

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the young missionaries hold English classes at the Papermill Chapel.  The students that attend are all from Brazil and most have just come to the U.S. in the last six months.  Sister Erickson and I assist as needed.
Elder and Sister Silver, the couple on the right, are just completing their mission and presented Elder Cruzato with a handmade quilt cover.  Elder Cruzato, who arrived in the mission last month, is from Curritiba, Brazil.

International Zone Conference

While most of the missions in the United States have Spanish speaking missionaries, the Georgia Atlanta North Mission is somewhat unique in that it has formed an International Zone that includes all of the Spanish and Portuguese speaking missionaries. There are eight regular zones in the mission and all missionaries are included in one of those eight zones.  However, the Spanish and Portuguese speaking missionaries, which number over 50, are also included in the International Zone which has a zone conference every other transfer.
President Kuck, a counselor in the mission presidency, presided at the International Zone conference last week.

As is always the case, the young zone leaders conduct and make most of the presentations.
Elder Leany uses a laptop and a large screen to make his presentation.

Sister Ellis conducts a session on how we can develop Christlike attributes.  Those attributes include 1) Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2) Hope, 3) Charity and Love, 4) Virtue, 5) Knowledge, 6) Patience, 7) Humility, 8) Diligence, and 9) Obedience.
It is utterly remarkable to listen to and participate in these discussions that are being lead by 19 and 20 year old missionaries.  The Lord is indeed raising up a valiant generation that will be well prepared to conduct the affairs of the Church under His direction in these, the last days.

The Portuguese speaking missionaries in front of the green and yellow Brazilian flag.

The Senior Missionary Couple of the Week

After serving for over one year, Elder and Sister Silver are completing their mission and are returning home.  They will be missed.
As a young man, Elder Silver served a mission to Brazil.  Together they have served missions in Mozambique, Angola and now Atlanta.

As a stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands, The Church of Jesus Christ gradually but steadily continues to roll forth.  (Daniel 2:31-45)

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