The Missionaries
Every transfer (every six weeks) our stake presidency has an ice cream social to meet the new missionaries transferred into the stake. This month we met at President Zivic's home. Sister Zivic, in the red dress, is serving the ice cream. She is originally from Uruguay.
Another zone conference with fantastic missionaries.
The Branch
This week the members of our small, Portuguese-speaking branch had a potluck luncheon after church to honor Elder and Sister Silver, who will be completing their mission and returning to their home in Kentucky next week. They are seated on the right side of the table.
Now that our branch meeting on Sunday is the last one in the building, we can expect to have many more of these after church luncheons this year. |
These lovely women all had birthdays in January.
A special cake was made and we all sang "Para Bens Pra VocĂȘ" (Happy Birthday in Portuguese). |
The Senior Missionary Couple of the Week
When we were home last spring, we had the opportunity to meet with Elder and Sister North. They had just received their call to serve as humanitarian aid missionaries in Cape Verde.
Now they are serving in Cape Verde and adjusting to a whole new way of life. |
And so it goes...
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