Sunday, May 3, 2020

There and Back Again

Our Release

Upon completing our 14 days of self-quarantine and finding ourselves healthy and free from COVID-19, we received a phone call from our stake president, President Lilywhite, and were formally and honorably released from service as full-time missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It is certainly with a touch of sadness that we remove our name plaques and return to our life at home.

Our Great Adventure Comes to an End

Words seem inadequate to describe our feelings and emotions as we make another transition after experiencing our great adventure.  With all our heart we tried to follow the example of our Lord and Savior by "going about and doing good". (Acts 10:38)
Now as we say "good-bye", we want all of you to know that we know that Jesus Christ lives and is our Savior and Redeemer. We invite all of you "to come unto Christ and and be perfected in him". (Moroni 10:32)  

For a time we will stay at home, enjoy our family and grandchildren, and take advantage of retired life.
However, our journey is not through.  What lies ahead, we do not know.  But we will prepare to serve again and be willing to go where ever the Lord wants us.  And we will do it together.

With all our love, Elder and Sister Erickson.


  1. Thanks for your great example!
    Marilyn and I are still waiting for our call. Hopefully it comes this week.
    Your service has been inspiring to us. Thanks again Marilyn and Jeff
