Sunday, March 1, 2020

Another Transfer is Under Way

The Roswell Zone

Every six weeks the mission holds a transfer day.  At that time missionaries are reassigned to different areas and different companions.  Also new missionaries arrive on that day and those missionaries completing their mission leave for home.  That six week period is known as a "transfer".

As is the case with each transfer, the zone meets together with the stake presidency for a brief meeting and an ice cream social on the first Sunday evening of the transfer.
This time we met in the lovely home of Brother and Sister Mitchell.  Brother Mitchell serves as the missionary leader on the high council.

On the first week of the transfer the entire zone meets together and sets goals and challenges for the remaining five weeks.
The Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders plan and present the goals.

We are fortunate to have all three Brazilian missionaries in our zone this transfer.
Elder Roman, Elder Cruzato and Elder Araújo.  Elder Roman is assigned to a Spanish speaking branch while Elder Cruzato and Elder Araújo work in our Portuguese speaking branch.

Here are two of the sister missionaries in the zone, Sister Kenison from Utah and Sister Solis from Indiana.  They are assigned to work in a Spanish speaking branch also.
Sister Solis is actually a missionary on Temple Square.  Each winter, when the activity on Temple Square drops off, the missionaries receive a temporary three month assignment to proselyte in a regular mission in the United States.  After the three months they return to their Temple Square assignment.

The Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
Their message this week caught my eye.

The Family

Our son, John, was invited to a conference in San Diego to present his master thesis.
After the presentation in San Diego, he found out that his work has been accepted to be presented at the World Wide Conference of Computational Mechanics.  In July he will travel to Paris, France to make the presentation.

The Senior Missionary Couple of the Week

President and Sister Kuck live in the Atlanta area and serve in the Georgia Atlanta North Mission Presidency.
In their spare time, President Kuck has his own practice as an immigration attorney and Sister Kuck has her own practice as a mental health counselor.

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